
US Radio Advertising Revenue Nudges Up 1% In March

US Radio Advertising Revenue Nudges Up 1% In March

US radio advertising revenue grew by 1% in March 2002, according to the latest figures from the country’s Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB). The radio sector is outperforming other media and is leading the way out of the economic slump, according to the Bureau.

Local, national and combined total sales figures all increased by 1% in March compared to the same month a year ago. In the calendar year to date, national radio sales figures also rose 1% compared to the first three months of 2001.

Local and combined spend for the Q1 2002 were impacted by the glitch in February when the lack of TV sweeps advertising affected local revenue growth, says the RAB (see US Radio Revenue Growth Dips In February). Local sales figures for Q1 showed a decline of 1% and the combined total for Q1 also fell by 1%.

Longer-term index To put the intermediate and long-term growth of the US radio industry into perspective, the RAB compares figures to sales in a base year – 1998 – which is indexed to 100.

On this basis the local sales index for March was 128.1; the national sales index was 127.8 and the combined total was 128.0. On a year-to-date basis, the local sales index was 129.6; the national index was 130.2 and the combined total was 129.8.

US Radio Advertising Revenue Growth And Index Figures 
Mar 2002 vs. Mar 2001  Calendar Year To Date 
Local Revenue     Local Revenue   
All Markets 1.0% All Markets -1.0%
Local Sales Index 128.1 Local Sales Index 129.6
National Revenue     National Revenue    
All Markets 1.0% All Markets 1.0%
National Sales Index 127.8 National Sales Index 130.2
Local & National Revenue     Local & National Revenue    
All Markets 1.0% All Markets -1.0%
Combined Sales Index 128.0 Combined Sales Index 129.8
Source: RAB USA, May 2002 

According to Gary Fries, president and CEO of the RAB: “History has shown that radio is the most resilent of all advertising media and the first medium to post positive growth following a downturn. Radio’s cross-section of advertising categories makes it less vulnerable to unexpected fallouts from one or two advertising sectors. Radio is positioned for steady recovery as we approach the end of Q2 and move into Q3.”

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