
US Radio Listening Highest Amongst Well Educated With Upper Income, Finds RADAR

US Radio Listening Highest Amongst Well Educated With Upper Income, Finds RADAR

Initial findings from Arbitron‘s RADAR 72 Radio Usage Report show that over the course of a typical week, US radio reaches 99% of adults aged 18+ who hold a professional or managerial position and who live in a household with an income of $50,000 or more.

Ninety-eight percent of college graduates listened to radio, while only 93% of non-college students listened to radio over the course of a week.

Each week, US radio reaches more the 227 million people, or 96% of the population aged 12 or older. At the weekends, this drops to around 190 million people, or 80% of the 12+ population.

US Radio Audience Reach As At January 2002 
  Persons 12+ (000s)  % reach (12+ years) 
Monday – Friday     
6:00A-10:00A 194,047 81.8
10:00A- 3:00P 182,846 77.1
3:00P- 7:00P 189,585 79.9
7:00P-12:00M 133,858 56.4
Saturday – Sunday     
12mid-12Mid 190,355 80.3
Source: Arbitron, March 2002 

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