
US Radio Revenue Strengthens With 4% Growth In June

US Radio Revenue Strengthens With 4% Growth In June

US radio advertising revenues continued to show growth during June, with combined national and local spend rising by 4% year on year, according to the latest figures from the Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB). National expenditure jumped by 16% in the month, whilst local remained flat.

Across the whole of the first half, national revenues are tracking up 7%, whilst local are up just 1%. Combined, revenues were 3% higher than in H1 2002.

Longer-term index To put the intermediate and long-term growth of the US radio industry into perspective, the RAB compares figures to sales in a base year – 1998 – which is indexed to 100.

For June, the local sales index is 134.4; the national is 126.6 and the combined local and national is 133.5. Across H1, the local sales index is 135.0; the national is 142.7 and the combined local and national total is 137.6.

US June Radio Advertising Revenue Growth And Index Figures 
June 2003 vs June 2002  Calendar Year To Date 
Local Revenue    Local Revenue   
All Markets 0% All Markets 1%
Local Sales Index 134.4 Local Sales Index 135.0
National Revenue    National Revenue   
All Markets 16% All Markets 7%
National Sales Index 126.6 National Sales Index 142.7
Local & National Revenue    Local & National Revenue   
All Markets 4% All Markets 3%
Combined Sales Index 133.5 Combined Sales Index 137.6
Source: US RAB, August 2003 

“The June revenue numbers demonstrate radio’s stability even in an uncertain economic environment,” says Gary Fries, president of the RAB. “Local business has been delayed by concerns over the economy and global affairs, but has held steady. All indicators point to growth and recovery for the 3rd and 4th quarters.”

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