
US Radio Revenue Up 5% In August, Double-Digit Q4 Growth Anticipated

US Radio Revenue Up 5% In August, Double-Digit Q4 Growth Anticipated

US radio airtime ad sales rose by 5% during August, showing a continuing improvement in trading for the sector, after July’s sales grew by 9% (see US Radio Revenue Shoots Up 9% In July). Local sales figures for August increased 4% and national spend was up by 9% year on year.

In the eight months to August, total spend showed a 3% gain, whilst national sales figures rose by 7% and local by 2%.

Longer-term index To put the intermediate and long-term growth of the US radio industry into perspective, the RAB compares figures to sales in a base year – 1998 – which is indexed to 100.

The local sales index for August was 129.4 and the national number was 121.5, giving a combined total sales index of 127.1. In the year-to-date, the local sales index was 133.8, the national index was 133.1 and the combined total was 133.6.

“Radio is showing signs of accelerated growth,” says Gary Fries, chief executive officer of RAB. “All indicators point to continued momentum with double-digit increases for fourth quarter. Radio is well-positioned to kick off 2003 from a strong and stable vantage point.”

US August Radio Advertising Revenue Growth And Index Figures 
August 2002 vs August 2001  Calendar Year To Date 
Local Revenue    Local Revenue   
All Markets 4.0% All Markets 2.0%
Local Sales Index 129.4 Local Sales Index 133.8
National Revenue    National Revenue   
All Markets 9.0% All Markets 7.0%
National Sales Index 121.5 National Sales Index 133.1
Local & National Revenue    Local & National Revenue   
All Markets 5.0% All Markets 3.0%
Combined Sales Index 127.1 Combined Sales Index 133.6
Source: US RAB, October 2002 

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