
US Radio Revenues Up Year On Year

US Radio Revenues Up Year On Year

US radio revenues increased 1% in 2006 over 2005, boosted by a 10% increase in non-spot dollars over the same time period, according to the Radio Advertising Bureau.

Total combined local , national and network sales figures were flat for 2006 compared to 2005, whilst national business grew 5% year on year.

Local ad sales figures fell 1% year on year, whilst network radio also fell, by 2%, year on year.

Fourth quarter 2006 total revenues were up 3% year on year.

Radio Advertising Bureau Index Of Radio Revenue Pool Numbers 
December 2006 v December 2005  Year To Date Jan-Dec 2006 v Jan-Dec 2005  4th Quarter 2006 v 4th Quarter 2005 
Local Revenue  Local Revenue  Local Revenue 
All Markets -1% All Markets -1% All Markets 0%
Local Sales Index 116.4 Local Sales Index 137.7  
National Revenue  National Revenue  National Revenue 
All Markets 6% All Markets 5% All Markets 12%
National Sales Index 126.4 National Sales Index 146.8  
Local & National Revenue  Local & National Revenue  Local & National Revenue 
All Markets 0% All Markets 0% All Markets 3%
Combined Sales Index 118.7 Combined Sales Index 139.7 Combined Sales Index  
Non-Spot Revenue  Non-Spot Revenue  Non-Spot Revenue 
All Markets 8% All Markets 10% All Markets 12%
Grand Total Revenue  Grand Total Revenue  Grand Total Revenue 
All Markets 1% All Markets 1% All Markets 3%
Source: Radio Advertising Bureau

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