
US Radio Shows Strong National Advertising Growth In May

US Radio Shows Strong National Advertising Growth In May

US national radio advertising revenue jumped by 11.0% during May, whilst local spend rose by 1.0%, according to the latest data from the US Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB). The combined total revenue was up 3.0% year on year.

In the calendar year to May, local revenue remained flat, whilst national rose by 4.0%; this gives a combined growth for the five month period of 1.0%.

Longer-term index To put the intermediate and long-term growth of the US radio industry into perspective, the RAB compares figures to sales in a base year – 1998 – which is indexed to 100.

The local sales index for May was 133.1; the national index was 133.8 and the combined total sales index was 133.3. On a year-to-date basis, the local sales index was 133.2 and the national was 132.4; combined was 133.0.

US Radio Advertising Revenue Growth And Index Figures 
May 2002 vs. May 2001  Calendar Year To Date 
Local Revenue    Local Revenue   
All Markets 1.0% All Markets 0.0%
Local Sales Index 133.1 Local Sales Index 133.2
National Revenue    National Revenue   
All Markets 11.0% All Markets 4.0%
National Sales Index 133.8 National Sales Index 132.4
Local & National Revenue    Local & National Revenue   
All Markets 3.0% All Markets 1.0%
Combined Sales Index 133.3 Combined Sales Index 133.0
Source: RAB USA, July 2002 

“All indicators point to continued sales gains for radio as the year progresses,” says Gary Fries, president and chief executive officer of the RAB.

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