
UTV recommends relaxation of radio rules

UTV recommends relaxation of radio rules

Digital Radio Current radio regulations are a barrier to the development of commercial digital radio, according to UTV Media’s response to Lord Carter’s Digital Britain report.

UTV said that as well as obstacles highlighted by the government such as DAB coverage, receiver and in-car take-up issues, it would “add a fourth: an overly rigid legislative and regulatory environment”.

It added that there is an “absence of a clear pathway to digital for certain local stations, and the inability of operators of national DAB services to sell regional advertising”.

Scott Taunton, managing director of UTV Radio (GB), said: “UTV is committed to working with our partners across the radio industry to secure commercial radio’s place within Digital Britain.

“But to build on that success, we will need Government support in relaxing regulation, planning a digital migration process which is fair to all and freeing commercial radio to invest in new content.”

Looking at television, Michael Wilson, managing director, UTV Television, said: “Ultimately, we would argue that while the Digital Britain consultation document suggests there should be a strong BBC and a potential second ‘network’ supplier of public service content, the Channel 3/ITV role should be to provide UK originated content and national and international news as a backbone to a number of Channel 3 licensees, who are committed to delivering high quality and diverse ‘local’ news and content.”

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