
Video Streaming To Open Up Another Ad Revenue Channel

Video Streaming To Open Up Another Ad Revenue Channel

Currently, around 500 television stations stream news or weather forecasts on their websites but only 15% sell related commercial or sponsorship slots, however, this figure is set to triple by the end of this year, says a new report.

According to Borrell Associates, although a handful of television stations and newspapers have been streaming video programming on their websites for years, it has been a cost centre, however that’s about to change as many start opening the door to advertising revenue.

Already a few dozen newspaper providers are dabbling with video and virtually all generate advertising dollars from it, as well as snaring some national accounts.

Procter & Gamble’s (P&G) Oil of Olay product and US Army Recruiting have both placed 15 and 30 second spots across local internet sites that provided streaming content. P&G said that response to its campaign had been strong and it was planning to increases its effort for more internet-direct advertising spending.

Although P&G has been getting a bargain at the moment, with clicks-per-million well below $15, it’s very unlikely it will stay this way. Borrell Associates said: “It doesn’t take a genius to project that video streaming will eventually bring a very valuable premium, perhaps on a par with broadcast prices.”

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