VIPers Sink Fangs Into Digital TV

The increasing popularity of Freeserve has helped digital TV penetration to rise to 55% of AB adults aged between 25 and 54, according to the latest wave of VIPer research.
Long-term analysis of VIPers’ media habits reveals an increase in radio listening via the internet, which has risen to 2% in the last wave of research to 9% this time around. Radio listening at work has risen to 20%, with a notable 79% of respondents claiming that tuning in to the radio relaxes them.
Newspapers continue to be play an important role in the average VIPer’s day, with 37% agreeing they are a vital part of their regular media routine.
The number of high-income adults that read newspaper supplements during the week has risen to 42%, whilst the proportion of VIPers agreeing that weekend newspaper supplements form an essential part of their non-working week has dropped to 29%.
Around 19% of VIPers claim to visit the cinema at least once a month, with the majority travelling an average of five miles to get there. Similar proportions of AB adults rent DVDs and videos on a regular basis, although DVD purchasing has now overtaken video purchasing.
The research also confirms the perception of VIPers as a time-poor group of individuals who are happy with their quality of life. 22% agree that money is their driving force, while just 19% are happy with the current state of the economy.