
Visitor Numbers Increase For Five’s On-Demand Service

Visitor Numbers Increase For Five’s On-Demand Service

Man Online Demand Five, Five’s recently relaunched video on demand service has seen the number of visitors to the site more than double since its soft-launch three weeks ago, the broadcaster announced today.

The 30-day catch-up service provides viewers with online access to a significant percentage of Five’s peaktime schedule including much of its hit acquired content such as CSI and Neighbours.

The offering also includes original programming including: Fifth Gear; The Hotel Inspector; Extraordinary People and Hidden Lives.

A large number of programmes are available for longer than 30 days, with the majority of content available free, streamed within the website (www.five.tv/demandfive).

Demand Five’s technical partners are BT Media and Broadcast, working closely with Entriq and Agency.com, which allows for a full-screen viewing experience.

Five’s head of digital media, Jonathan Lewis, said: “The launch of Demand Five represents the first stage of our digital redevelopment programme. We plan to make a significant step change in the digital space over the coming months.”

Five: 020 7550 5555 www.five.tv

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