
Vivendi Universal Takes Top European Media Owner Spot

Vivendi Universal Takes Top European Media Owner Spot

Zenith Media has calculated Europe’s top media owners for the first time in three years, reports the International Federation of the Periodical Press, FIPP. A number of merger deal have shifted the positions in the table, which now looks like this:

Zenith’s Top 20 European Media Owners 
  Revenue in 2000 ($m) 
Vivendi Universal 4,695
Bertlesmann 4,217
BSkyB 3,334
United Bus. Media 2,994
Lagardère 2,825
DMGT 2,814
Kirch Group 2,590
Axel Springer 2,217
TF1 2,017
Mediaset 1,995
Reed Elsevier 1,851
VNU 1,639
Trinity Mirror 1,561
Emap 1,492
WAZ 1,431
Bonnier 1,408
H Bauer (1999) 1,402
RAI 1,324
JCDecaux 1,300
Pearson 1,280
Source: Zenith Media / M&M Europe 

Vivendi’s merger with Canal Plus and Universal Studios moves Vivendi Universal to top – up from fifth position in 1999. Bertlesmann’s take-over of RTL maintains it second position (see Pearson Agrees Sale Of RTL Stake).

M&M Europe reports that in 2000, the top 50 companies increased their media revenue by an average of 16%, well ahead of the 10% increase in European ad expenditure that year. This signals either reduced reliance on advertising, or more ad-selling clout, according to FIPP.

A global reach The increasingly global reach of advertisers’ brands has prompted media agencies, ad agencies and media owners alike to offer global reach (see Forecasts). For media owners, this means delivering global audiences to advertisers and this in turn requires the consolidation of operations that we are currently seeing.

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