
VOIP Boosted By Landline Adapter

VOIP Boosted By Landline Adapter

US broadband phone service provider Vonage has today launched a revolutionary voice-over-internet protocol (VOIP) service in the UK, allowing users to plug a VOIP handset directly into their phonelines, bypassing the traditional method of using a PC.

The new technology offers users a service similar to a conventional, analogue phone, allowing their broadband connection to be connected directly to a phone handset, rather than forcing users to use a headset plugged into a PC.

The move follows encouragement from media watchdog Ofcom for the development of VOIP services in the UK last year, when the regulator set out a telephone numbering structure for services using the new technology, and published consumer guidelines to aid public understanding (see Ofcom Encourages The Development Of VoIP).

Ofcom has stated that the emergence of VOIP will offer important benefits to consumers, such as the reduction of call prices. The watchdog said: “The only cost to the consumer should be a standard monthly fee, regardless as to whether the call is to the next town or to the other side of the world.”

VOIP has been forecast to reach nearly 20 million households globally by 2010, according to research released last year by Global Information Incorporated (see VoIP To Reach 20 Million Households By 2010) However, in order to reach its potential and make a big impact on the telecom industry, network VOIP must take on a significant share of the residential market and grow rapidly from the 500,000 network VOIP lines available at present.

Global Information Incorporated said: “forecasting VOIP is extremely difficult because it is really still in its infancy and because there are a number of ‘side issues’ that could have major positive or negative impacts.”

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