
VoIP Searches Prove Popular Online

VoIP Searches Prove Popular Online

Online searches are the most popular source for finding information on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), with a new survey by Yahoo! showing that 90% of respondents say they use the internet to learn about the technology.

According to the US study, conducted by the National American Testing Organisation, 67% of the 302 home broadband users questioned claimed to use search engines as a primary tool for research.

US analyst, eMarketer, predicts search engine portals to continue to expand their reach in the online world throughout 2006, with US users rising by 5% to 146 million this year, up from 138 million in 2005 (see Top Trends Forecast For 2006).

The Yahoo! study revealed that 82% of respondents said they found relevant information about VoIP through search engines, while 67% accessed the information at providers’ websites.

According to a study from Infonetics Research, VoIP revenue is predicted to grow rapidly this decade, with revenue in North America jumping to $23.4 billion in 2009, up from just $1.24 billion in 2004 (see VoIP Revenue To Hit $23.4 Billion In North America By 2009).

The research forecasts triple-digit growth from 2005 to 2006, with six million new subscribers a year from 2006 to 2008, reaching over 24 million.

Elsewhere, a separate report from JupiterResearch projects that the number of VoIP households in the US will grow to a massive 20.4 million in 2010, up from just 1.2 million in 2004.

Revenues for residential VoIP in North America are predicted to expand considerably over the next few years, increasing to over $4 billion by 2010, up from $295.1 million in 2004, according to a new report by Frost & Sullivan (see Residential VoIP Revenues Forecast To Increase To Over $4 Billion By 2010).

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