
Western European Digital TV Penetration To Reach 54%

Western European Digital TV Penetration To Reach 54%

Digital TV penetration of Western European households broke the 50% barrier in 2007, ending the year at 54%, up from 42% at the end of 2006, according to new research.

The Informa Telecoms & Media report forecasts that digital homes in the region will reach 104 million by the end of 2008, rising to 157 million by 2013, equivalent to a 90% penetration rate.
Top 5 markets: Digital TV households (000) 
  2007  2010  2013 
Germany 15,300 24,361 30,439
France 18,017 24,328 26,992
UK 22,268 25,110 26,459
Italy 11,037 17,635 23,811
Spain 8,207 13,379 17,903
Others 13,932 23,863 31,204
Total  88,761  128,676  156,808 
Source: Informa Telecoms & Media

However, full digital conversion is only expected in four (Finland, France, Ireland and the UK) of Western Europe’s 15 major broadcast countries.

Adam Thomas, Informa’s media research manager, said: “While cable will remain the region’s leading pay TV platform, the satellite subscriber base is eating into its dominance. Satellite’s much higher ARPU levels mean it will overhaul cable in revenue terms during 2009.”

Cable is also expected to lose its position as the leading platform, when digital terrestrial TV (DTT) overtakes it in 2011.

Thomas said: “DTT often provides a similar channel line-up to analogue cable, usually for no monthly fee, so will benefit from churning cable customers. IPTV is also using attractive triple-play bundles to tempt away cable subscribers.”

The UK is currently the most prominent digital market, accounting for 25% of the region’s digital TV homes, followed by France with a 20% share and Germany with 17%.

The UK’s dominance has begun to wane though, as other markets show improved digital growth rates and by 2013 Germany will lead the way with 19% of the total.

Ofcom published figures in July which revealed that over two-thirds (68%) of the 60 million television sets in the UK are now digitally linked via cable, satellite or digital terrestrial (see 68% Of UK TV Sets Now Digital).

Western Europe: Digital penetration of TV households in 2013 (%) 
  Cable  DTH  IPTV  DTT  Total 
France 12 22 18 46 100
UK 12 37 6 39 100
Italy 0 24 9 57 95
Spain 8 12 7 67 94
Germany 22 6 7 13 76
Total  20  18  9  34  90 
Source: Informa Telecoms & Media

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