
Wi-Fi Market Gathers Steam In Second Quarter

Wi-Fi Market Gathers Steam In Second Quarter

Wi-fi hardware shipments increased by an impressive 45% in the second quarter of 2003 as the technology began to get more recognition from businesses and consumers.

InStat/MDR reports that 9.9 million wi-fi hardware units were dispatched in the three months to end-June, up from 6.9 million in Q1.

802.11b still accounts for a majority of wi-fi shipments, almost 8 million during the period in question, and it is now commonly built into laptop computers (see Most Laptops To Be WLAN Compatible, Says Report).

Total wi-fi hardware revenues came to $730 million in Q2, compared to $690 million in the first quarter. This modest growth reflects the falling price of WLAN equipment (see Worldwide WLAN Sales Double In 2002) .

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