
WiMAX Unlikely To Pose Significant Threat To 3G

WiMAX Unlikely To Pose Significant Threat To 3G

Telecom providers have made significant efforts to compete with wireless 3G services with various Broadband Wireless Technology (BWA) in the Asia/Pacific market, according to In-Stat.

For at least another five years, however, BWA in the form of WiMAX is unlikely to pose a big threat to 3G, as it will take longer to mature, the high-tech market research firm says.

“Telecom providers introduced BWA technologies to tap into the wireless trend, accelerate wide market diffusion, and to provide consumers with an alternative or complementary value proposition,” says Bryan Wang, In-Stat analyst.

“However, a lack of standardisation and interoperability issues has not augured well in adoption rates for most proprietary BWA technologies.”

Recent research by In-Stat found that Wi-Fi proved not to be a successful business model, but WiMAX is now gathering momentum and is expected to reach 14 million subscribers by 2011.

It also discovered that cellular subscribers reached 859 million, with over 130 million 3G users in the Asia/Pacific region in 2005 and that mobile WiMAX devices are anticipated to be available beginning in late 2007.

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