
Wireless Home Networks Win Consumer Backing

Wireless Home Networks Win Consumer Backing

According to new research from Parks Associates, wireless is the preferred technology of US consumers planning to purchase a home network.

The latest installment of the ongoing Broadband Access @ Home III study reveals that 50% of internet households who expressed an interest in adopting home networking in 2003 said they would choose a wireless-based solution. This is equivalent to 1.5 million of the 3 million residences likely to have the technology installed in the next year (see Home Networking Set For Major Growth).

“Consumers have gained an appreciation of wireless connectivity through their use of cellular phones and cordless handsets,” said Michael Greeson, senior analyst and director of broadband research for Parks Associates. “Although Ethernet was the first choice of early network adopters, wireless solutions will dominate the next wave of home networks. Freeing the PC from a tether is as natural as liberating the telephone from the wall jack.”

Parks Associates forecasts that by the end of 2003, over 9.5 million households will have a home network deployed, of which almost 2 million will be using wireless networking technology. By 2006, it is predicted that more than 7 million US households will have a home network with wireless technology.

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