
WLAN Market To Exceed $3 Billion By 2008, Says Report

WLAN Market To Exceed $3 Billion By 2008, Says Report

The Wireless LAN market will double in size in the space of five years, according to a new study from Dell’Oro Group.

The market research firm estimates that WLAN revenues will increase from $1.5 billion in 2002 to $3.1 billion in 2007, with all product categories contributing to this growth. The report indicates that most products will transition from 802.11b to 802.11g and then 802.11 Multimode (802.11 a/g).

Greg Collins, Director of Dell’Oro Group, commented: “The major product categories that we track are in varying stages of transition. Both the SOHO-infrastructure segment and the Network Interface Card (NIC) segment are transitioning from purely standalone products to WLAN becoming an embedded feature in other mainstream technology products; namely broadband Customer Premises Equipment (CPE), notebook and handheld computers respectively.”

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