
World-Wide 3G Phones Pass 50 Million

World-Wide 3G Phones Pass 50 Million

Third generation phones (3G) exceeded 50 million by mid 2005, with the roll out of 3G services creating pressure for carriers to earn cellular data revenue and spawning a multitude of cellular devices of every shape and size, according to new research from In-Stat.

According to the high tech market research firm, wireless handset component makers are rushing to support increasingly challenging market trends in the 3G market.

Allen Nogee, In-Stat analyst commented: “3G networks have made 2005 an exciting time for subscribers and a trying time for handset and component makers. Carriers have spent billions to get their data networks off the ground; they have become desperate to start getting some payback.”

According to Juniper Research, 3G technology is forecast to enjoy a surge in use, with subscribers predicted to reach over 300 million by 2010, up from 30 million in 2004. However, the research experts argue that 3G benefits more from its ability to accommodate a greater number of users and network traffic than its advanced service delivery (see Global Mobile Subscribers To Hit 2.7 Billion By 2010).

Research from Informa Telecoms & Media predicts 3G technology to reach a market share of almost 23.8% by 2010, resulting in an increase in downloading music files to handsets and rising popularity in high quality audio streaming (see Increasing Mobile Phone Penetration Causing Providers To Deepen Content).

3G technology gives mobile providers the opportunity to offer users different technologies through their mobile phone, such as mobile television and music downloading.

Mobile TV is becoming an increasing part of the media mix. Mobile phone operators have already started to offer mobile television services, with Orange already having seven mobile channels accessible via 3G handsets, with a number of new channels being developed (see Mobile TV Hits the UK Media Mix).

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