
Young Mobile Users Eager To Engage With Brands

Young Mobile Users Eager To Engage With Brands

New research from mobile marketing specialist Enpocket claims the majority of 18-34 year olds now engage with brands through their mobiles, with 57% having used a short code to engage with a company, while 60% have accessed mobile content in past 3 months.

Working with and global market research firm Harris Interactive, Enpocket’s latest Mobile Media Monitor UK report shows that 40% of all adults with mobile phones, and 57% of 18-34 year old users, have interacted with a company through their handset.

Sharing pictures with family and friends was seen as the most desirable application for mobile handsets, with 52% expressing an interest in the technology, up from 46% in 2004.

Enpocket also claims there is increased demand for music and movie services however, with interest levels at 34% and 22% respectively, rising from 23% and 12% in 2004.

18-34 year olds are predictably the most interested in mobile content services, with 67% wanting to share pictures with family and friends, 58% expressing interest in downloading songs, 53% wanting video calls, and 39% wanting both movie trailers and sports highlights.

“Consumers are in many ways ahead of brands in their use of mobile,” explained Jeremy Wright, co-founder of Enpocket. “They are ready and willing to be engaged through the channel, particularly if cost is taken out of the equation through supporting advertising.

“Building greater understanding of the consumer through intelligent mobile marketing makes mobile services more relevant to consumers and mobile advertising more effective for marketers.”

However, recent research from Amberlight claims that development of advanced multimedia services, such as mobile TV, are being hampered by technological difficulties, with poorly designed features, high costs and low standard visibility slowing consumer uptake (see Mobile TV Up-Take Slowed By Technological Faults).

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