
Younger Generation Changing Online Marketing

Younger Generation Changing Online Marketing

Children and teenagers are changing marketing, technology and communications, with nearly three-quarters of teens aged 12-17 and 39% of children aged 3-11 using the internet, according to US analyst eMarketer.

Debra Williamson, senior analyst at eMarketer commented: “Kids and teens are the first totally wired generation, and they are changing marketing, technology and communications.”

In 2005, eMarketer claimed that kids and teens accounted for 18.8% of all internet users in the US, with teens at 10.8% and children aged 3-11 making up 8%.

The analyst revealed that teen usage is growing rapidly, rising to 87.3% of the teen population in 2008, up from 73.4% in 2005. eMarkter also forecasts that by 2008, 43.7% of children aged 3-11 will be online, compared with 39.4% today.

This age group represents a vibrant and exciting online market, with today’s wired teenagers already more sophisticated, demanding and powerful consumers than their parents were.

Williamson added: “Marketing to this dynamic, fragmented population is challenging, but most companies are beginning to tap nascent opportunities in broadband video, immersive environments, mobile marketing and instant messaging.”

Research done earlier this year by the Kaiser Family Foundation, show that children and teenagers in the US have increased their daily media exposure by more than an hour over the past five years, from 7.29 hours per day to 8.33 hours per day, fuelled by video game consumption (see Rise Of Daily Media Exposure In US Teens).

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