
ZenithOptimedia Sees Online Ads Overtake Outdoor Next Year

ZenithOptimedia Sees Online Ads Overtake Outdoor Next Year

Fingers On A Keyboard Online adspend looks set to overtake expenditure on outdoor advertising next year, according to the latest global forecasts from ZenithOptimedia, which claims the sector will also close the gap on radio in 2008.

According to the company’s latest report, the internet will account for 6.5% of all advertising spend by 2008, up by 0.5% points on its last forecast in December.

Online ad spend accounted for 4.5% of the global advertising market last year, but is increasing at a rapid rate.

Releasing its forecasts, ZenithOptimedia said in a statement: “We have revised our Internet forecasts upwards once again, as it has continued to exceed expectations.

“The Internet is now firmly established as a mainstream advertising medium in developed markets, and in many developing markets too.”

The radio industry is expected to see its share of the advertising market fall to 7.9% percent in 2008, dipping from 8.5% last year.

Overall, ZenithOptimedia expects advertising growth to hit 6% this year, rising from 4.5% last year as a result of football fever and increased promotional activity surrounding the World Cup.

ZenithOptimedia: www.zenithoptimedia.com

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