Trading media on reach, viewability and view-through metrics has no consideration for advertising clutter, argues Mediahub’s Erfan Djazmi.
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Think about the channels and formats which allow targeting the maximum target audience, in relevant context, with as much screen coverage and ear time as possible.
Why do we draw own media lines too narrowly around the paid plan and miss out on owned media?
The potency and potential of the discipline has been diminished and diluted by malpractice.
We’re going to have to get serious about developing bespoke ads and marketing content for different media.
Belazu, the international ingredients brand, aims to build fame and showcase what makes it unique by combining video and experiential media strategy.
The first thing all agencies should be saying to their clients is: hold your nerve.
How can we interrogate our media planning and buying to embed DEI principles into campaigns all year round?
TikTok’s growth numbers demand advertisers’ attention – the effectiveness opportunity is too great.
Not only must we build igloos to protect us from this data blizzard, we can use data to build them too.