Raymond Snoddy says anything that increases confidence and the propensity to spend in the depths of a recession has to be a good thing, even if the intellectual pillars on which it stands are decidedly shaky…
ARCHIVE ▸ Raymond Snoddy
Raymond Snoddy says the kindest thing that could happen to Jeremy Hunt now is a reshuffle…
Raymond Snoddy says says the really interesting question from Leveson this week is whether Michael Gove was preening himself and making it up as he went along, or whether he was reflecting – in a rather shrill way – the private views of David Cameron and the Coalition Cabinet…
Raymond Snoddy says it would be good to see competition regulators in the UK concentrate on real abuses of market dominance that actually harm consumers’ interests rather than disadvantaging consumers in pursuit of theoretical models of competition….
Raymond Snoddy on ITV’s error in letting the South Bank show (and name) go; Sky’s ambitions in arts television; and why opera and football make the perfect combination of enthusiasms…
Raymond Snoddy says ITV and RTL’s latest statements give testimony to the enduring power of free to air commercial television and show that the media world is working in the way it should in difficult times…
Raymond Snoddy on the confusion of conflicting and overlapping investigations. The select committee may have now had its (divided) say, but we still have Ofcom, Leveson, the police… and the forgotten Communications Green Paper to come.
In an enthralling week at the Leveson Inquiry, a “bonus” column from Raymond Snoddy takes stock of Rupert Murdoch’s testimony and considers where next. “We can look forward to Leveson causing even more headlines and further pandemonium when Hunt and Cameron appear before him and take the oath.”
Raymond Snoddy wonders what we have really learnt about phone-hacking and the relationship between the media and politicians from the remarkable appearances of both James and Rupert Murdoch before the Leveson inquiry?
Raymond Snoddy says it may be economically impossible to sustain daily publication of small regional papers but the jolt from daily to weekly is an abrupt one and it is a gap that may not be adequately met by online…