Raymond Snoddy wonders whether the Facebook/Instagram deal is a symbol of how money and power has shifted in the internet world…
ARCHIVE ▸ Raymond Snoddy
Raymond Snoddy on Jeremy Hunt’s Green Paper: Sensible doesn’t add up to headlines. He may be condemned for not being radical or visionary enough. That’s what you have to watch out for – something dodgy and dangerous thrown in at the last minute to gain political attention…
Raymond Snoddy on cable television and its ability to fulfil its potential but is yet to serve a “knock-out” blow to satellite and the latest piracy allegations from the UK and Australia levelled at News Corp.
Raymond Snoddy says if ever there is a time for the first female Director General to emerge it is now. No single male figure has emerged as champion and there is now a plethora of strong, experienced women broadcasters both inside and outside the BBC…
Raymond Snoddy: Leveson is already having a chilling effect on popular journalism – as seen in the blandness of the Sunday edition of The Sun and most Sunday tabloids following the demise of the News of the World…
Raymond Snoddy considers TV now and in the future with reference to Thinkbox, ITV and Charles Dickens…
Raymond Snoddy says despite the relentless rise of social media what comes through loud and clear is the importance, and at least for now, the continuing dominance, of print at the heart of the brand…
Raymond Snoddy says the instinctive Murdoch has chosen the lowest point in morale at The Sun, amid loose talk of the need for a second closure because of illegality, to provide the biggest boost of confidence of all…
Raymond Snoddy says the very least the marketing community can do is realise where self-interest lies and stand more vociferously behind The Sun… and its three million daily sales and the £200 million a year advertising revenue it attracts…
Raymond Snoddy says whatever the outcome of Leveson, the debate will continue forever over what is fair, what is reasonable, and what is in the public interest and what is not…