MAGNAGLOBAL has revised down its year-end 2016 forecast for DVR subscriber households to 57.5 million (48.7% of TV households), from 63.1 million in its July 2011 forecast (and compared to 41.2 million – 35.5% of TV households – as of the end of Q2 2011).
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Hearst Magazines has reported pre-tax profits of £12.4 million for 2010, more than nine times its profit of £1.3 million reported in 2009.
Apple has launched its latest iPhone – the iPhone 4S, a slimmed-down, faster version of last year’s iPhone 4.
A pub landlady has won the latest stage of her fight to air Premier League games using a foreign TV decoder.
Facebook has launched a Premium Ad unit, designed to promote page posts. The new product expands from Facebook’s Sponsored Stories.
BBC One’s Strictly Come Dancing returned to the weekend line-up with a peak audience of 8.5 million viewers.
YouTube plans to launch Google AdWords for video in beta next week, in a bid to simplify video ad campaigns.
Richard Nicholls, The Future Foundation, says never before in history have customers been so well guided towards making good choices in the markets they inhabit…
Amazon launched its Kindle Fire touchscreen device at an event in New York yesterday, as well as a new range of enhanced Kindles.
Twitter is expected to rapidly expand its advertising revenues in 2011 and the years following, according to a new forecast from eMarketer.