informitv’s William Cooper says “for ITV, the challenge may be to think global while acting locally”…
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In response to Derek Jones’ ‘Will video kill the reach and frequency stars?’ article, Vic Davies, course leader and senior lecturer at Bucks New University, says it will be dangerous if the digital behavioural concept gets used as a trading currency…
In the latest Mobile Fix, Simon Andrews, founder of the full service mobile agency addictive!, wonders who will pick up the bill for the bandwidth needed by mobile web players…
Speaking at the Online Video Summit in London yesterday, Tremor Media’s VP Europe Dan Ruch suggested there were two main reasons why Europe lags so far behind the US in online video advertising revenues – accountability is much more deeply researched in the US; and creative treatments for online video are more developed.
The start of ITV1’s week long celebration of 50th anniversary of Coronation Street got off to a flyer with an average audience of 12.4 million for 8.30pm edition (peaking at 12.8 million).