The latest newspaper ABCs to be released for the national newspapers show some encouraging signs for a number of titles, while others continue along the now familiar road of gradual decline.Qualities The six – monthly ABC figures for February to July’92 show three of the quality newspapers to have increased their circulations. The Sunday Times… Continue reading Press Round-Up – July
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After several weeks of speculation Classic FM, Britain’s first national commercial radio station, has confirmed it will begin broadcasting on September 7.A number of the station’s presenters have also been announced. Margaret Howard will represent and edit Classic Reports, a daily news, music and arts programme between 6 and 7pm. Howard was presenter of Radio… Continue reading Classic FM Announces Launch Dates
The war of the Yorkshire Sundays has heated up with the first of the new papers, a Westminster Press title, launching yesterday.The Yorkshire on Sunday was brought to our attention at the end of June, with the announcement of David Sullivan’s Sunday paper, the News and Echo, coming within days. There is also speculation that… Continue reading Yos Launches Amidst Sunday War
The BBC is to be forced to restrict the advertisment of its own magazines on television and promote rival magazines. The Government is to enforce the restrictions covering the monopolies and Mergers Commision’s ruling that the current promotional tactics were unfair.The MMC investigation, which was set up as a result of the Sadler report into… Continue reading BBC Forced To Restrict Magazine Ads
The latest NRS figures for January to June’92 hold few surprises with most titles following well established patterns. A number of titles no longer publish 6-monthly figures, for these a figure for July’91 to June’92 is reported.Daily NewspapersAs with the January to June circulation figures only a small minority of the national newspapers achieved year-on-… Continue reading NRS January-June’92 Commentary
Agency estimates of TV net revenue for June came in at £141,000,000 million, the highest revenue figure so far this year. This represents an increase of 14.4% on the same period last year.Amongst the contractors, Thames displayed the highest increase in contractor share, rising from 14.94% last year to 16.32%, a difference of 1.38 percentage… Continue reading TV Round-Up – June
The NRS Volume 1 1992 Report, which will be released at the end of the month, will include a number of new items for the first time.Source of Copy Soure of copy data will be available for all publications with a minimum analysis base of three or six months. Possible options for source of copy… Continue reading New Data Included On The NRS
A shift of power from advertising agencies to their clients will take place during the 1990s, according to Coopers & Lybrand’s latest report ‘The Advertising Industry – An Examination’.The report suggests that agencies which present the extravagant image, common in the 1980s, will lose clients to those emphasising professionalism and cost-effectiveness.It is predicted agencies will… Continue reading Coopers & Lybrand Advertising Forecasts
The Big Issue is gaining a loyal following of readers according to a a recent survey conducted by the paper. Almost 60% of readers questioned had read at least 3 issues in the past 6- months , while 40% of readers said they plan to read every issue in the future.The survey found that 91%… Continue reading Big Issue Survey
Qualities The January-June’92 ABCs for national newspapers show the total circulation of the quality market to have fallen by 1.9%, from 5,312,475 to 5,210,743.The Sunday Times faired best among the quality titles. The paper increased its circulation by 2.2% on January-June’91, with a figure of 1,202,651. The monthly ABC’s show the Sunday Times to have… Continue reading National Press Round-Up – June’92