A system of self-regulation for cross- border advertising has been agreed in Brussels, and will come into effect from 1 June.The increase in satellite broadcasting and the growth in the number and circulation of international publicat- ions has focused attention on the need to provide consumers with a fast and flexible means of lodging complaints… Continue reading Pan-European Ad Code Agreed
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The latest NRS readership figures to be released for national newspapers and magazines are the first to have been produced under the new structure of reporting.Each publication has been allocated a frequency of reporting and recommended minimum analysis base, depending on the size of its readership and its display advertising revenue. There are now three… Continue reading NRS Trends Oct’91-Mar’92 – Commentary
Qualities Circulation figures for the period November-April’92, show the Financial Times standing stable at 0.2%, year-on year to 290,404, while the other quality newspapers show a decrease.For example the Independent was the worst hit, falling 8.2% to 372,647, although the Independent On Sunday only recorded a fall of 1.6% to 379,589. Following the Independent both… Continue reading National Press Round-Up – April’92
Satellite television penetration will rise rapidly to 25% of all homes in the UK by the end of next year, to over 50% of homes in 1997 and to 65% by 2003, according to UK Television Forecasts to 2003, a new quarterly publication from Zenith Media.The satellite medium will gain increasing share of television audiences… Continue reading Zenith Television Forecasts
Fininvest has pulled out of the bidding for the Channel 5 licence after a “thorough review of all aspects of the Channel 5 opportunity.”Berlusconi’s withdrawal leaves only FiveTV and The Entertainment Channel in the race for the licence and rumours have circulated that the two consortia are considering joining forces.
March was a comparatively quiet month for the national newspapers following the flurry of activity that took place in February.On the whole the numerous new sections, that were launched and heavily promoted in February, do not appear to have had a great impact on March’s circulation figures.Quality Newspapers The monthly ABC figures show all the… Continue reading National Press Round-Up – March
The Morgan-Grampian title, Travel Trade Gazette, has again emerged as the best read travel publication in the UK market, according to the latest Travel Agents Readership Survey (TARS) by Travel and Tourism Research Ltd.TTG has increased its average issue readership by five points to 79% since the last survey in 1990, giving it a three… Continue reading Travel Agents Readership Survey
Northern & Shell, publisher of Forum and Penthouse, launches a new soft porn women’s magazine this week, imaginativ- ely entitled For Women.Billed as “the magazine for sensual women”, For Women claims “a heady, sensual cocktail” for the woman of the 1990s: “It’s racy, provocative and wild. Rather, we would guess,like you”. An interesting guess, but… Continue reading For Women – First Issue Report
Newspaper advertising expenditure is set for dramatic long term growth as all economic indicators forecast a return of business and consumer confidence.Delegates to the Newspaper Society’s annual Advertising Conference heard yesterday that Advertising Association forecasts indicate a return to health, both for display and classified advertising.AA research advisor Mike Waterson told the conference in Eastbourne… Continue reading Advertising Spend Set For Growth