The first RAJAR survey,available to the industry from February 1993 removes a number of the restrictions and frustrations that existed previously. At a meeting held yesterday at the IPA, RSL and Rajar explained to suppliers and IPA(rep: Anthony Jones,Dorland) the format of the new survey and James Galpin (AIRC) stressed that this is the most… Continue reading First RAJAR Heralds New Initiatives
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The actors’ union, Equity, is to take the BBC to court over the transmission of library programmes on UK Gold. The union is claiming that its’ agreement with the BBC is not set up to cover the sales and transmission of programmes to satellite channels and the court hearing will discuss whether such sales are… Continue reading Equity Keeps Up Gold Battle
Last week’s mystery bidder for entertainment company TVS is thought to be Broadway Video, a New York production company best known for its’ zany creation, Saturday Night Live.The news came as a surprise for original bidders, IFE, whose offer for the company looked to be in the closing stages. Broadway’s bid has thrown a spanner… Continue reading Broadway Shows Interest In TVS
Qualities The latest 6-monthly ABCs for May to October’92 show 4 of the quality newspapers increasing their circulation year-on-year. The highest increase was recorded by the Independent on Sunday, up by 7% to 400,000.The Sunday Times achieved a 4.3% increase to 1,194,000. More modest increases were recorded by the Sunday Telegraph and the Financial Times,… Continue reading National Press Round-Up – October
A new survey by the IP Group, the European media sales house with offices in 13 countries, can provide a wealth of data on individual countries or define “the average European.”This individual does not of course exist, but when all aspects of the survey – work, leisure time, household activities,media consumption, etc – are considered… Continue reading Survey Dispels Many European Myths
Silvio Berlusconi is in negotiation with Channel 5 Holdings, sole bidders for the C5 licence, in an effort to lay down conditions of agreement, allowing Fininvest to join the consortium just weeks before a franchise winner is announced.Investment from the Italian group could exceed £60m so Berlusconi is ensuring that his stake will lead to… Continue reading Fininvest Lays Down Conditions
November 1st sees the launch of UK Gold the joint Thames and BBC archive entertainment channel broadcasting via the Astra satellite.Equity disputes allowing (Newsline 26/10), the channel will broadcast 20 hours a day of drama, soaps and comedy repeats drawn from the libraries of the BBC and Thames TV. There will be no sports, news… Continue reading Will The UK Go For Gold?
Channel 5 Holdings, the sole bidder for the new Channel Five TV station has come up with a seemingly revolutionary idea to transmit without the use of satellite dishes, decoders or subscription costs. The solution – to transmit via redundant radar frequencies – was masterminded by technical chief at C5 Holdings, Ellis Griffiths.Griffiths maintains that… Continue reading Channel 5 Consortium Finds Loophole
Groups of 20-35 year old BC1C2D women from London and the Southeast were the interviewees for Gruner & Jahr’s latest survey into the women’s weeklies market. Evaluations in the study included editorial and advertising perceptions and examined the important role between the reader and her magazine.In the study differences between women’s weeklies were examined, how… Continue reading G&J Examine Women’s Weekly Mag Market
Media Week has revealed research into advertising budgets for 1993. They surveyed top agency executives and forecast a grim outlook for the coming year.Results show large numbers of job losses this year, with predictions for an even tougher year ahead. A main concern expressed in the survey was levels of undercutting in the industry, resulting… Continue reading Agency Outlook Survey