Statistics issued by the Central Office of Information this week reveal a 15% decline in Government spending on advertising and promotions compared to last year. Turnover for COI Campaigns Group amounted to £98m for 1991/92, compared to £115.5m for the previous year. Advertising accounted for £83m, down £20m on 1990/91.
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A new survey of advertising agencies conducted by National Economic Research Associates has painted a gloomy picture of current confidence levels in the TV advertising industry. Intentions to advertise on television are below average for the time of year and predictions for the Christmas period and beyond are pessimistic. The latest estimate for total UK… Continue reading Survey Points To TV Ad Slump
A Los Angeles based investment group, TCW, acted as representative for an undisclosed media company yesterday and approached TVS with an alternative bid to the £38.2m offer made by International Family Entertainment in SeptemberExecutives at the TV company, due to hand over its’ franchise at the end of this year, seem uncertain about who TCW… Continue reading TVS Gets Rival Bid From US Company
On the surface Independent Radio appears to have taken a back seat over the last couple of months, after the attention surrounding Classic FM’s launch, while BBC Radio has hit the headlines. After a more detailed review it becomes apparent that the commercial sector has, in fact, been quietly busy.The BBC’s plan to replace Radio… Continue reading Radio Round-Up – September/October
Groups of 20-35 year old BC1C2D women from London and the Southeast were the interviewees for Gruner & Jahr’s latest survey into the women’s weeklies market. Evaluations in the study included editorial and advertising perceptions and examined the important role between the reader and her magazine.In the study differences between women’s weeklies were examined, how… Continue reading G&J Examine Women’s Weekly Mag Market
November 1st sees the launch of UK Gold the joint Thames and BBC archive entertainment channel broadcasting via the Astra satellite.Equity disputes allowing (Newsline 26/10), the channel will broadcast 20 hours a day of drama, soaps and comedy repeats drawn from the libraries of the BBC and Thames TV. There will be no sports, news… Continue reading Will The UK Go For Gold?
Media Week has revealed research into advertising budgets for 1993. They surveyed top agency executives and forecast a grim outlook for the coming year.Results show large numbers of job losses this year, with predictions for an even tougher year ahead. A main concern expressed in the survey was levels of undercutting in the industry, resulting… Continue reading Agency Outlook Survey
A review issued by Government advisors yesterday is attempting to set the record straight by examining the direct effect of tobacco advertising on the number of smokers in this country. The results speak for themselves, claiming that 7.5% of smoking could be prevented if the advertisements were banned.Government argument has always backed the notion that… Continue reading Tobacco Review Tells True Story
Silvio Berlusconi’s Italian media group Finivest, is thought to be showing a renewed interest in Channel 5, after pulling out of the bidding back in July. Talks have been taking place which look as if they could lead to a joint bid.
According to a survey conducted by Mercury owned telemarketing group, Adlink, things look fairly optimistic for the advertising industry in 1993.The survey involved marketing directors of large advertisers, who revealed that they are planning to increase their advertising spend in ’93, but the main benefits will be seen by the direct marketing sector.Direct mail is… Continue reading Good News For Direct Marketing