BARB announced yesterday its intentions for the improvement of measurements for the 16-24 age group in the Establishment Survey. This follows the recent special analysis by ONS of the 1991 Census which shows (based on data for 15-24 year olds) that the universe figures for the 16-24 age group in the BARB Establishment Survey may… Continue reading BARB Announces Possible Establishment Survey Changes
The ITC has today announced a new revised Code of Programme Sponsorship which it hopes will widen the scope for sponsorship without the risk of sponsors “excessively diverting the editorial agenda for commercial purposes.”The main changes to the code are as follows: Masthead programming to be permitted on all ITC licensed channels apart from Channels… Continue reading ITC Publishes New Sponsorship Code
A law passed last year by the US Congress aimed at criminalising the transmission of sexually explicit material to children via the Internet is unconstitutional, according to arguments heard on 19 March in the Supreme Court. The court heard legal representations from an association of online service providers, publishers and free speech advocates that stated… Continue reading US: Internet Free Speech Case
The Independent Television Commission yesterday agreed to allow Channel 5 to postpone its launch date without the broadcaster incurring any penalty.Under its original licence requirements C5 was due to launch on January 1 1997 but the ITC has now said it will allow a launch date of “not later than 30 March 1997”. The ITC’s… Continue reading ITC Approves New C5 Launch Date
The proposed acquisition of Classic FM by GWR Group *(GWR And Classic In £215m Merger) may be referred to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission. If the director general of Fair Trading believes the merger qualifies for further investigation, the secretary of state for trade and industry will be advised on whether to send it to… Continue reading Classic Merger Being Reviewed
AMRA’s coverage of national sales representations was greatly strengthened by the acquisition of The Hampshire Chronicle Group. The group, previously represented by Mediaforce’s Newspaper Representations, includes The Romsey Advertiser and The Eastleigh and South Hants Weekly News.The move, which commences on the 1ST August 1996, increases AMRA’s market share (over 25%) and may strengthen the… Continue reading AMRA Gets Hampshire Chronicle
Peter Rogers, chief executive of the ITC, has announced four key appointments and a reorganisation of the television watchdog.Clare Mulholland, director of programmes, has been named as the new deputy chief executive. Her new duties, which include a range of regulatory, managerial and external representational roles, will begin on 1 July.Sara Thane, currently director of… Continue reading ITC Announces Senior Appointments And Restructure
The Radio Authority is to seek formal assurances from Capital Radio Plc that it will not exploit its dominant position in radio advertising sales.The sales house Media Sales and Marketing (MSM), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Capital, now controls 66% of national radio ad sales after winning new clients including Emap and GWR (Newsline 29/02).The Authority… Continue reading Radio Authority Seeks Assurance From Capital
In a new initiative, BBC Top Gear Magazine has appointed regional specialist SMS (Sales and Media Services) to provide full service representation for the Northern region, including Scotland and Ireland. Manchester based SMS, a sister company to Amra, will offer display, classified, insert and sponsorship opportunities on the title.Garry Martin, advertising manager of Top Gear… Continue reading BBC Top Gear Appoints Regional Specialist
Mediaforce, the regional sales house has acquired fellow sales house Newspaper Representations, to take effect in the New Year. Mediaforce has also acquired Selling Point, the specialist magazine sales operation.The new media sales company, which will be based in Mediaforce’s Fleet Street offices, will now comprise of Mediaforce, Taskforce, News Reps and Selling Point. Russell… Continue reading Mediaforce Takes Over News Reps