The Newspaper Society (NS) and the Periodical Publishers Association (PPA) have announced a strategic alliance across their two sectors which have a combined revenue of over £9 billion.The alliance is to initially focus on four initiatives: representation in Brussels, UK public affairs, the establishment of a National Training Organisation (NTO) for all print media and… Continue reading NS And PPA Form Strategic Alliance
Regional sales house Amra has announced the appointment of Lisa Bourne as managing director, making her one of few women to reach this level of management amongst media representation operations.One of her first tasks is to alert advertisers to what Amra describes as “the increasing potential and diversity of regional press” and to initiate cross-media… Continue reading Amra Appoints New MD
A crew of media pranksters and saboteurs have set up their own website under the name of ŽTMark at The group’s objective is specifically to engage in the “sabotage of mass-produced items” and has previously orchestrated the work of the Barbie Liberation Organisation. ŽTMark is currently promoting the USA Phone In Sick Day which… Continue reading Web Round-Up – W/E 13/03/98
Here is the latest addition to the ever growing crop of BBC magazines. One by one the powers at the Beeb are turning programme after programme into glossy mags – some are hits (take for example the continuing success of Top Of The Pops Magazine which saw a 71% increase in its last ABC) while… Continue reading First Issue Review – Tomorrow’s World Magazine
A crew of media pranksters and saboteurs have set up their own website under the name of ŽTMark at The group’s objective is specifically to engage in the “sabotage of mass-produced items” and has previously orchestrated the work of the Barbie Liberation Organisation. ŽTMark is currently promoting the USA Phone In Sick Day which… Continue reading Web Round-Up – W/E 13/03/98
The Radio Authority (RA) will begin the formal process of licensing commercial digital radio by advertising the only national multiplex on 24 March.The existing national commercial stations (Classic FM, Virgin Radio and Talk Radio) are already guaranteed a place on the multiplex but there is also room for up to five new digital radio stations… Continue reading National Digital Multiplex To Be Advertised By RA
Following an initiative by Emma Bonino, Commissioner for Consumer Policy, the European Commission has decided to propose the creation of a legal framework for the financing of Community activities under consumer policy. This framework has a budgetary allocation of ECU 114 million for five years (1999-2003). The Bonino proposal will focus on four priority areas:… Continue reading EU: Budget For Consumer Policy
The 1997 IPA Chief Executive Survey has shown that 96% of the Institute’s members feel that it is extremely, very, or quite important to hold membership. This compares to 83% for the previous survey in 1989.Members consider that the most important functions performed by the IPA are industry representation and promotion, negotiating advertising agency interests… Continue reading IPA Gets Positive Feedback From Members
The Newspaper Society is triumphant that 1997 has been a ‘renaissance’ for the regional newspaper industry. The Society’s director David Newell said: “It has been a tremendous year for the local and regional press: advertising revenues are up, newsprint prices are low, sales are stabilising, new ventures and alliances abound, and profits are rolling in.… Continue reading Regional Press Prospers But NS Is Wary Of Complacency
The blatant pinching of big company brand names to use as Internet sites just for fun has come to an end, as a court ruling has demanded that all adopted trade names must be handed over to the big guys. As you may remember from a previous Web Round-Up, a couple of likely lads going… Continue reading Web Round-Up W/E 05/12/97