MediaTel Group’s ladies football team experienced the sweet taste of success again on Sunday when they won the NABS/MediaWeek 5-a-side tournament. Having won the competition the last time they entered two years ago expectations for a repeat performance were high.All the training paid off when the ladies team conceded just two goals during the day… Continue reading MediaTel Ladies Football Team Tastes Success
Quality is key in regional programming, according to new research from the ITC into public attitudes to regional services on the BBC and ITV1.The Pride of Place report, published today by the ITC and BSC reports on the findings of two citizens’ juries and a citizens’ forum as well as a survey. The results show… Continue reading Quality Is Priority In Regional TV Programming
Liberty Media has disclosed that it is to extend an offer to acquire bonds of the UK cable operator, Telewest after a group of bondholders filed a lawsuit claiming that the offer was illegal. Telewest, which is £5.3 billion in debt, announced last week that it was to begin refinancing negotiations (see Telewest Agrees To… Continue reading Liberty Extends Telewest Tender
The ITC has welcomed the Government’s recently published draft Communications Bill as going a long way towards creating the regulatory framework for a dynamic market, but has warned that it needs to provide a more detailed definition of public service remits.In evidence prepared for the Joint Scrutiny Committee on the Bill, the ITC says that… Continue reading ITC Calls For Clearer Public Service Definitions
The ITC has given its support to the Governement’s recently published draft Communications Bill which it says goes a long way towards creating the regualtory framework for the UK’s dynamic media market.In evidience prepared for the Joint Scrutiny Committee on the Bill, the ITC gives partucluar welcome to the proposed liberalisation of the media ownership… Continue reading ITC Welcomes Move Towards Dynamic Media Market
The Independent Television Commission has confirmed that it has received “a number of expressions of interest” in the three digital terrestrial multiplex licences formerly owned by ITV Digital.At this stage the expressions of interest are confidential, but it is thought that possible bidders may include a consortium of terrestrial broadcasters including the BBC and former… Continue reading ITC Receives Expressions Of Interest In Digital Licences
Initial reaction is already emerging in response to the publication today of the draft Communications Bill:Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell’s opposite number on the Conservative benches, Tim Yeo, has said: “I give a cautious welcome to the publication of this Bill. I however, remain disappointed that Tessa Jowell has not followed her own logic and fully… Continue reading Reaction To Draft Bill Begins
The Takeover Panel has this morning ruled against WPP’s attempt to free itself from its 555p-a-share offer for Tempus Group. WPP had made a submission to the Takeover Panel in an attempt to invoke the Material Adverse Change clause in its initial offer citing the further deterioration of the ad market following the terrorist attacks… Continue reading Takeover Panel Rules Against WPP
The Takeover Panel has this morning ruled against WPP’s attempt to free itself from its 555p-a-share offer for Tempus Group (see Tempus Confirms WPP Offer). WPP had made a submission to the Takeover Panel in an attempt to invoke the Material Adverse Change clause in its initial offer citing the further deterioration of the ad… Continue reading Takeover Panel Rules Against WPP
Several major online marketing companies have joined forces to set up a regulatory body to enforce codes of practice for the use of commercial email and to fight the proliferation of spam.The E-mail marketing association (eMMa) plans to set up codes of practice that advertisers, advertising agencies and internet service suppliers will be urged to… Continue reading New Standards For The Internet