This is a daily digest of news stories from around the media world, updated by The Media Leader team, to ensure you’re 100% up-to-date.
A daily digest of news stories from around the media world, updated by The Media Leader team, to ensure you’re 100% up-to-date.
Introducing today’s round-up of stories from around the media world, updated by the Mediatel News team, to ensure you’re 100% up-to-date.
It’s right that Nielsen (and BARB) are held to high standards. What about the rest of the media ecosystem?
Raymond Snoddy studies the shifting sands of media ownership and what it could all mean for UK and European public service broadcasters
Combined, Discovery and Scripps will have nearly 20% share of ad-supported pay-TV audiences in the US.
The case for full privatisation of Channel 4 has almost certainly been lost – so naturally it’s time for an even worse proposal…
Discovery’s Eurosport will become the new home of the Summer and Winter Games between 2018 and 2024, following a deal worth £920 million.
Raymond Snoddy says that while it’s just a matter of time before 3D TV takes-off, there are some hurdles to overcome first.