Total television revenues were up across the board in November, with no exceptions.
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Push will beat pull in the battle for television viewers; DVRs will proliferate; the 30-second spot will not die; TV’s ‘super media’ status will strengthen; and gaming will go online, according to Deloitte’s tenth anniversary predictions for 2011.
Channel 5’s new commercial sales director Nick Bampton is set to bring in “some of the best talent” from his former company Viacom Brand Solutions, IDS and Digital Cinema Media in a bid to strengthen the broadcaster’s new sales team.
Gavin Sinden, digital strategy director, Equi=Media, says targeting has come on in leaps and bounds over the last year but there are still some big developments in its future…
US marketers will spend $3.08 billion to advertise on social networking sites such as Facebook this year, according to eMarketer.
3D TV became a reality in 2010, not least because Sky launched its first European 3D channel on 1 October. But take-up has been limited. However, this new device could change things…
ITV1’s Dancing on Ice dominated the Sunday night ratings for a second week running, pulling in a high of almost nine million peak viewers.
Marketing budgets fell in the fourth quarter of 2010 as confidence for the 2011 outlook dropped, according to the latest IPA / BDO Bellwether Report.
ITV1’s new three-part mini thriller series Kidnap and Ransom started on a high of 6.1 million viewers last night.
In our first trend update of 2011, the Future Foundation explores the move towards increasing consumer power – a powerful trend and one that is being redefined and rejuvenated as we look to the coming decade.