Analysis: Pavel Durov’s laissez-faire approach to content moderation landed him in hot water as governments seek to curtail online harms. But are Silicon Valley CEOs more interested in pursuing their concept of “free speech”?
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Influencer CEO Ben Jeffries and chairman Stewart Easterbrook discuss the growth prospects for the independent influencer marketing agency and why influencers are getting looks for both creative and media budgets.
Media companies rebrand often, with widely varying degrees of success. Here are 13 recent rebrands, inclusive of successes and stinkers.
Jack Benjamin and Omar Oakes discuss major stories, including the verdict in Google’s US antitrust case and how social media companies have been implicated in the spread of far-right violence across the UK.
Analysis: The social media giant is leaning in to its AI development as a way to eventually provide all-in-one ad solutions for brands.
Jack Benjamin and Omar Oakes discuss the major media and advertising stories of the week, including YouTube rejoining Barb.
Charles Parkinson, co-host of the How I Became podcast, tells The Media Leader why media companies and agencies need to invest in training and development to ensure their talent has a proper career path.
A 60-second TV ad with Cher making surprise appearances in different programmes will run on ITV, Channel 4 and Sky.
Ignoring risk creates strange media viewpoints and threatens what makes this industry successful in the long term, writes the editor-in-chief.
In an inquiry by the Australian government, Meta said it had ‘never thought about news as a way to minimise misinformation/disinformation on our services’.