Contract-free subscription services are taking hold, particularly within video and audio. But how popular are they becoming? Anne Tucker, Mediatel, digs into the data to look at their impact on the media industry.
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October was a fairly poor month for most commercial broadcasters with a series of year-on-year revenue declines recorded.
Blue Planet II, Gunpowder and Our Girl all performed well in October’s TV ratings.
Metro lost 351,000 average daily browsers in October, according to the latest online ABCs.
The Financial Times was the only daily national newspaper to increase circulation in October, with a 1.2% period-on-period rise taking total sales to almost 192,500.
Researchers were able to identify introverts from extroverts based on single Facebook likes, and aimed their adverts accordingly.
WARC’s data also reveals that TV drew 34.9% of global adspend last year.
The research also reveals that 64% are less inclined to share their location if they feel concerned about their privacy.
As Rajar publishes its third quarter results for the radio market, Newsline presents a full round-up for the national stations and networks and the digital and breakfast markets.
As Rajar releases its third quarter results for the radio market, Newsline presents the key findings showing station and network reach, share and average listening hours.