The second episode of the third series of Downton Abbey heads a list of returning favourites this month.
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The overall national daily newspaper market was down 8.7% year on year for September – 825,000 less copies circulated. Compared to last month the latest data shows a 1.6% drop or 144,000 copies shed.
August witnessed a fall in the UK’s online population for the second month in a row, according to new data released by online auditor UKOM.Although the initial buzz around the Olympics died down and patient individuals around the country were finally rewarded with some semi-seasonal weather, the fallout didn’t affect overall online activity too negatively.42.8… Continue reading UKOM Data Report: August 2012
Commercial television channels saw their network revenue decline in August as the BBC dominated ratings around the London 2012 Olympics.
Last month there was a lot about the Olympics… and it’s more of the same for August.
The MailOnline continues its digital success with the highest number of daily average unique browsers – up 7% from July to August 2012. Its total is now up to almost 6.6 million.
The overall daily newspaper market was down -10.1% YoY and -0.9% PoP in August, with just one title enjoying a increase in circulation over the year. Independent’s sister title i posted a 47.3% YoY rise during the summer month and now has a total circulation of 282,000 copies.
The Sun leads the way with the greatest number of combined print and website readers, according to NRS PADD (Print and Digital Data), which has been released for the first time today.
Commercial television channels saw their network revenue decline in July as the BBC dominated ratings around the London 2012 Olympics.
Three regional newspaper groups in our analysis enjoyed increases in the January to June 2012 period – Newsquest (Midlands South), Advertiser (North of England) and the Bristol Observer Group.