During the Olympic games, half of searches and video streams have come from mobiles and tablets, according to Google.
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The UK has passed its high-speed broadband milestone, with two million subscribers at the beginning of July, according to Point Topic.
Facebook’s share price is down to an all time low of $19.82 after the company announced that 83 million of the social network’s 995 million profiles are fake.
Faced with a fragmenting digital environment, brands are once again questioning the power of online display for their brand campaigns. Guy Turton, senior researcher, Media and Digital Practice, Millward Brown, examines the latest findings and discovers a surprising renaissance in online display advertising…
New research by BrandScience, part of Omnicom Media Group, has found that cinema advertising delivers €3.07 additional revenue for every Euro spent across Europe, and £2.84 for every Pound spent in the UK.
Facebook has announced that 8.7% of its 955m global users are duplicate accounts. A large proportion of those being pages created for pets and those designed for spam.In March, when Facebook last gave an estimate of the number of fake or duplicate accounts, it said the proportion was in the region of 5% or 6%,… Continue reading Facebook admits 83 million profiles are fake
Spending on mobile internet advertising in the US will top all other countries in the world for the first time this year, helping drive mobile ad spending worldwide to $6.43 billion in 2012, show figures released by eMarketer.
The National Readership Survey has developed a series of infographics, the first of which (below) details the readership of newspapers and magazines on tablets and e-readers.
A day after Sky announced Now TV’s launch on Apple iPad and iPhone, Amazon has responded by following in its footsteps. Amazon Instant is now available to download on iTunes for iPad.By logging in with an Amazon username and password, users are able to purchase any movie or TV show from over 120,000 in the… Continue reading Amazon Instant launches on iPad to challenge Now TV
Listening to radio via a digital platform in terms of weekly reach has increased by 10% year on year, with 24.2 million people now tuning in to radio via a digitally enabled receiver (DAB, DTV, internet) each week (up from 22.1 million in Q2 2011).