Following the departure from his post as managing director at Oglivy & Mather in September, Mike Elms has now been appointed chief executive of CIA Group Holdings (Newsline 10/9). His new position will allow him scope to reorganise the company, while marketing it throughout the UK. Elms was with O&M since 1973 and managing director… Continue reading Elms Goes To CIA
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Currently media director at Burkitt Weinreich Bryant, Andy Troullides, has now joined Mediacom as general manager to take charge of broadcast buying and planning for the company. A replacement for his former position has yet to be found.
Suzanne Russell has been appointed group advertisement manager of The Southern Publishing Company, a division of Westminster Press. Titles in the sector include the Brighton & Hove Leader and the Brighton Evening Argus.
Suzanne Russell has been appointed group advertisement manager of The Southern Publishing Company, a division of Westminster Press. Titles in the sector include the Brighton & Hove Leader and the Brighton Evening Argus.
TMD Manchester is considering opening an office in Edinburgh, following the recent acquistion of a KwikFit account, taken over from Hall Advertising. A spokesperson at the agency says that although discussions have been taking place a final decision is a long way off.
Carolyn McCall is to take over as display advertisement manager with The Guardian, having been with the paper as advertisement development manager. She will take over from Martina Dobson who is leaving to go to Capital Radio.
Preference shareholders in TVS are still holding out on an agreement to allow International Family Entertainment the 75% vote required to take over the television company. They maintain that unless a better offer is in the pipeline it would be financially more rewarding to allow the company to go under.IFE on the other hand is… Continue reading IFE May Increase Offer For TVS
David Campbell has been appointed chief executive of Virgin Radio . The station is due to go on the air in March and is jointly owned by TV-am and the Virgin Group.
Both GMTV and Carlton have begun to secure sponsorship deals for programmes on both stations. The breakfast show has just settled a £500,000 contract with Konica to back its Holiday Snaps programme. Direct Line Insurance is already being credited on the station’s weather bulletins. Carlton TV has set up its first deal, with Michelob Beer,… Continue reading New Franchisees Get Sponsors
Alec Kenny is resigning as chairman of Kenny Lockett Booth Makin, with the other partners taking over his responsibilities. Kenny has admitted that he did not feel there was enough scope within the small company for him to expand into certain areas. A replacement as business director will be sought before the end of the… Continue reading Kenny Lockett Booth Makin Loses Kenny