TV-am, the breakfast TV company that was replaced by GMTV on January 1, looks as if it could be heading towards voluntary liquidation. The latest indication of this is the fact that the company has plans to sell a 16% stake in the Metro Radio Group, worth up to £4m.It has also been suggested that… Continue reading Ousted TV-Am Sells Stake In Metro Radio
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BBC World is issuing its final edition at the end of this month, with talk that it may merge with another BBC title, Geographical. The anthropology magazine, published monthly, has suffered badly from the recession and advertising never quite reached required targets according to the publishers. Sales for the magazine fell by over 20,000 since… Continue reading BBC Magazine To Call It A Day
Currently media director at Burkitt Weinreich Bryant, Andy Troullides, has now joined Mediacom as general manager to take charge of broadcast buying and planning for the company. A replacement for his former position has yet to be found.
Stratis Zographos, finance director with Meridian Television , has left the station within a week of it going on air. He is moving to the ITV Network Centre where he has been appointed commercial director, and will take charge of ITV budgets of up to £500m a year. Peter Hickson will take his place at… Continue reading Meridian Loses Staff Within Days
Swinton Insurance has set up a deal with Atlantic 252 to sponsor its traffic reports. The contract is worth £500,000 for the year, giving exposure 4 times a day.
Swinton Insurance has set up a deal with Atlantic 252 to sponsor its traffic reports. The contract is worth £500,000 for the year, giving exposure 4 times a day.
Stratis Zographos, finance director with Meridian Television , has left the station within a week of it going on air. He is moving to the ITV Network Centre where he has been appointed commercial director, and will take charge of ITV budgets of up to £500m a year. Peter Hickson will take his place at… Continue reading Meridian Loses Staff Within Days
Five companies have applied to the Radio Authority for the Severn Estuary regional licence. Amongst the bidders were Bristol based Galaxy Radio , owned by the Chiltern Network.
Five companies have applied to the Radio Authority for the Severn Estuary regional licence. Amongst the bidders were Bristol based Galaxy Radio , owned by the Chiltern Network.
The latest media prospects poll conducted by Media Week shows that recovery may be just around the corner for the advertising industry. Optimistic results from the survey show that 80% are more postive about the future than they proved to be six months ago when questioned. Ad spend over the next year will increase, according… Continue reading Media Week Poll Shows Recovery