The latest KPMG Media & Entertainment Barometer shows that UK media consumption in a range of areas has plateaued in recent months, while media spend is up across almost all categories of media, including traditional TV.
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Yesterday saw Britain’s Got Talent (ITV, 7:30pm) (the old school variety show spliced with a heavy dose of modern malice) go up against the most distracting event of the year so far – bank holiday sunshine.
April saw the return to ITV of Simon Cowell’s other cash cow TV project, Britain’s Got Talent, proving there is still an appetite for watching members of public make fools of themselves, as original drama has a great month across all the major channels.
1.2 billion consumer video devices were shipped in the US last year, with the adoption of tablets and smart TVs adding significantly to overall growth.
Pay TV subscriptions increased by a healthy 8% in 2012, with 56% of all households across the world currently signed up to a Pay TV service.
Ofcom has asked the UK’s advertising regulators to review the rules that limit children from being exposed to alcohol advertising on TV, following research which shows that children saw an average of three alcohol adverts per week in 2011.
BT’s TV offering is now comparable with Sky’s – and certainly better value for money – says the Bank of America Merrill Lynch as it forecasts Sky will lose around 300,000 satellite customers each year.
TV ad targeting will enable marketers to engage directly with people on Twitter that have been exposed to their adverts on TV, though is currently only available for the US market.
The BBC has today announced that its DMI project will come to an end after admitting that the project has wasted licence fee payers’ money and generated little or no assets.
For the second evening in a row, viewers were spoiled with another serving of post-feminist flag waving with Scott & Bailey (ITV, 9pm) as, for once, personal issues were put on the back burner in favour of some solid police work.