2016 was a tough year for the industry – Bob Wootton shares his wish list for getting it back on track…
The industry is facing an almost perfect storm of threats – mostly internal, mostly self-inflicted and often the result of self-delusional thinking, writes Dominic Mills.
The US investigation into media rebates could now impact the UK – and precipitate a wholesale recalibration of remuneration and what is considered legitimate practice, writes ISBA’s Bob Wootton.
We should be more mindful of the language we use when talking about programmatic ad trading, warns ISBA’s Bob Wootton.
From Coca-Cola to Sony, more global media business is up for grabs than at any previous time. What does this mean, and how should we interpret it, asks ISBA’s Bob Wootton.
Originally appointed in 2012, the renewed agreement will ensure that comScore continues as UKOM’s official data supplier until March 2018.
A new, US-based study as revealed that almost a quarter of video ad impressions can be identified as ‘bot fraud’
Companies spend millions building and protecting their brands, but then ruin it all with terrible customer service, laments ISBA’s Bob Wootton.
Any agency that is asked to accept greatly delayed payment terms is effectively being asked to bankroll its client, writes ISBA’s Bob Wootton. Is this a growing trend we should be worried about?
A viewablity standard does little to improve the odds of a client’s ad actually being seen, and it does even less to effectively tackle the more serious problems of fraud and campaign inefficiency, says Marco Ricci, CEO of Adloox.