Jazz FM 100.4 has ended its advertising sales representation contract with Katz Radio Sales, taking its sales in-house. It is planning to extend its sales operations to include the station’s record label, Café Jazbar and Internet site.Jazz FM 100.4: 0171 706 4100
The Advertising Standards Agency has released its October 1997 report of objections to advertisements. The following complaints were all upheld.Neon and Empire both carried offers for free posters on the outside of the sealed cellophane packing which covered the magazines. The Neon envelope claimed ‘Free! Four huge movie posters’ and Empire said ‘Four Free Blockbuster… Continue reading Movie Mags’ Poster Promos Misleading
The famous dance club Ministry Of Sound is setting up Ministry, a glossy monthly magazine for clubbers. According to publishers Dennis, Ministry is intended to fill a gap in the lifestyle market and provide a forum for advertisers to speak to British youth under a credible title. They also say that the editorial team will… Continue reading Ministry Of Sound Launch Dance Magazine
Katz Radio Sales has this week added four more of Media Sales and Marketing’s stations to it’s portfolio. The new clients are the Yorkshire stations Minster FM and YYorkshire Coast Radio, Lincolnshire’s Lincs FM 102.2 and Lancashire’s Bay Radio.Katz’s representation has grown considerably since Capital Radio announced that it’s sales arm MSM would cease operating… Continue reading Katz Picks Up More MSM Stations
The Newspaper Society’s 1996 display and classified advertisement awards, to be announced and presented at the Advertising Conference in Blackpool in September, will be sponsored by the national representation agency Clacksons.David Kerr, chairman of Clacksons said: “We are hopeful that this year is just the beginning of a long-term commitment of sponsoring excellence in the… Continue reading Clacksons To Sponsor Awards
The ITC is consulting its licensees and other interested parties on proposed revisions to its Programme Code. The revisions are intended to clarify certain points and reflect recent developments, they do not change the fundamental principles of the Code.Subjects of significant amendment include: Violent sexual portrayal, particularly the representation of rape. Treatment of innocent parties:… Continue reading Revisions To Programme Code
News International is reorganizing its sales representation for its Scottish clients and agencies.Scottish business in NI’s regional editions is currently served by the group’s Manchester office, but from July 1, the Glasgow office will deal with all Scottish agency and advertising sales across the NI portfolio.The Manchester office will now concentrate on selling national and… Continue reading NI Moves Ad Sales To Glasgow
ITV and the Incorporated Society of British Advertisers are rumoured to be planning a joint representation to the Independent Television Commission to ask it to take another look at its recent criticism of ITV, according to Marketing.In its annual report the ITC criticised ITV for showing too many dramas and entertainment programmes and not enough… Continue reading ITV And ISBA May Challenge ITC
WCRS is expected to merge its media department into Mediapolis this summer, according to sources. The move, which has long been rumoured, will take place on July 1st, leaving no media representation at WCRS at all.An official announcement confirming this is believed to be imminent, though both Mediapolis and WCRS were unavailable for comment this… Continue reading WCRS Set To Merge Media Department With Mediapolis
Channel 5 appears for the first time this week as BARB release the first set of data for the channel. Obviously, the calendar week covered only features the first day of Channel 5 broadcasting; the rest of the data is modeled in order to give figures for the whole week. BARB has identified various ‘teething… Continue reading TV Viewing Summary W/E 30/03/97