The Spectator Group performs well, as Private Eye and The Week maintain steady sales.
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Signalling a tough period for the women’s weekly market, all titles recorded combined print and digital declines between January and June 2016 – with just one seeing a small uplift over the year.
Although most titles still boast extremely healthy circulations, not one title witnessed any growth – in part, perhaps, due to the absence of Christmas TV viewing.
In a market of declines and only marginal gains, Hearst’s Esquire has recorded a boost in circulation of more than 10% in the first half of 2016.
Almost six in 10 UK adults now listen to the radio via a digital platform, according to the latest figures from Rajar for the second quarter of 2016.
Rajar’s second quarter results for the radio market paint a largely healthy picture. Here, Newsline presents the key findings showing station and network reach, share and average listening hours.
As Rajar publishes its second quarter results for the radio market, Newsline presents a full round-up for the national stations and networks and the digital and breakfast markets.
A month of sport and EU Referendum coverage clearly helped boost commercial TV revenues in June – with ITV up by more than a quarter.
Football completely dominated June’s TV schedule, with both ITV and BBC One scoring healthy ratings for the Euro 2016 football tournament held in France.
The majority of online news sites saw huge spikes in traffic in the month of Brexit and UEFA Euro 2016.