City AM has announced plans to up its distribution outside of London after a record month.
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The daily national newspaper market managed to boost its total circulation in January, up by 1.1% period on period.
In our latest Research Focus report, Future Foundation looks at the challenges facing the print industry in an increasingly digital landscape – but confirms that “Ink is not dead yet”…
Today’s ABC release shows that UK consumers bought well over one billion magazines last year, according to the Periodical Publishers Association (PPA).
The latest ABC figures, for Jul-Dec 2009, show that the two Future Publishing titles in the computer sector were both down year on year.
Free monthly music magazine The Fly topped the market once again with a circulation of almost 109,000 copies following an impressive 7.5% year on year increase.
Just one title in the TV listings sector – IPC Media’s TV & Satellite Week – managed to avoid a year on year dip in its circulation in the second half of 2009, according to the latest ABC consumer magazine data.
It was a tough six months for the teen magazine sector, with all titles recording year on year decreases.
The latest ABC consumer magazine figures reveal a mixed picture in the home interest sector, with about half of the titles in our round-up recording circulation increases in the Jul-Dec period.
It was a tale of two business models in the men’s lifestyle sector, with free titles taking up the top two positions once again.