Untold is on the streets and sees itself a cross between the ‘nipple count’ school of men’s magazine publishing and those journals ‘still feasting on the carcass of a beast called yuppie’ (Time Out). Untold‘s articles ooze style and confidence and treats its audience with respect. It is also not too preachy and not too… Continue reading First Issue Review – Untold
More Press articles
This new magazine from the Nat Mags stable is aimed at women with children aged 1-10 and aims to give support ‘through the first decade of parenthood, starting where our little sister magazine Having a Baby leaves off’. Unsurprisingly perhaps, this title has a very similar feel to She magazine, and on a number of… Continue reading First Issue Review – M
Right, I’m not going to pull any punches here. Future’s new lifestyle/car/motorbike magazine Redline is for sad boy-racers who can’t get girlfriends and spend all of their money and affection on lumps of metal which are only supposed to get them from A to B. They also probably still listen to Iron Maiden and wear… Continue reading First Issue Review – Redline