Now that everyone’s calmed down and recovered from the outrage sparked by the non-event of last week’s Baked Alaska tragedy, last night meant it was safe to return to the white tent of dreams.
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Civolution and Applicaster have integrated technologies to allow broadcasters to launch second screen activities synced with content and ads being watched on TV – both live and on-demand.
The enthusiastic ‘documentary’ wasn’t for fans of unbiased thought; instead Harry at 30 (8pm) spent an entire hour ramming home the opinion of what a super, well-rounded bloke he is.
Neil Mortensen has been reappointed by ITV as director of planning after spending the last three years at Thinkbox, the UK’s marketing body for commercial TV.
Professional cheeky chappy family man Jamie Oliver was back fronting a new series, free of preachy messaging and now with 90% more family participation.
Compelling content and social conversations are driving consumers back towards planning evenings around the linear TV schedule, despite the availability and convenience of VOD services, according to new research from Carat.
Saturday night brought a scheduling clash of astronomical proportions as an eternally youthful old man and his irritating companions went on a hunt for intelligent life in our galaxy.
Informitv’s Multiscreen Index tracks trends in television services, providing a compilation of top 10 tables and charts showing annual and quarterly changes in subscriber numbers.
Conversational interfaces are getting much more sophisticated, says Rovi’s Charles Dawes – and a natter with your TV is much closer than you think.
Thursday night saw Mrs Brown’s Boys’ ‘funny man’ Brendan O’Carroll brought back to the streets of Dublin as the comedian was the latest celebrity to sign up for the public therapy session.