Thursday night brought the return of a broadcasting legend to BBC One with renowned naturalist David Attenborough’s new prime time series, Life Story (9pm).
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The move hopes to provide a single-source solution for advertisers to carry out cross-platform campaigns that can be optimised for bottom line results via Videology’s platform.
Based on compelling new evidence, the idea that digital advertising is going to suck the life out of traditional television is looking increasingly unlikely, finds Raymond Snoddy.
After Monday night’s deluge of prime time crime and murder, Tuesday night saw the 9pm audience won over by a spot of BBC One-provided old fashioned goodwill.
Monday night brought the final episode of a closely scrutinised series of New Tricks (9pm) as the UCOS team really went for the middle-aged nostalgic market by pumping a vivacious 80s soundtrack throughout.
Videology has announced the launch of an entire division dedicated to television in a bid to help advertisers and media companies “capitalise on new opportunities” to engage with audiences across different screens.
According to the company’s latest report, the service is now available in 1.9 million households and watched by more than four million viewers every week.
Channel 4’s Friday evening schedule was dominated by an entire night of the usual awkward celebrity banter and a righteous call to arms as the broadcaster and a host of famous faces prepared to Stand Up To Cancer (7pm).
September saw some big revenue losses for commercial television broadcasters, resulting in total terrestrial TV revenue dropping -3% on last year.
Thursday night saw ITV launch a new four-part historical drama, with the first episode of The Great Fire (9pm) warming up viewers’ autumnal screens and resulting in a prime time hit.